Welcome! This is my first post in what (hopefully!) will be a semi-regularly updated photo blog. I plan to use this blog as a medium to post additional images I've shot that didn't make it onto my main gallery. These "outtakes" will present you with an idea of my process, from conception to final editing. Hopefully that will prove exciting to you and allow me to semi-publish additional work that I would like to show. I may also from time to time post random thoughts when I feel motivated. Feel free to leave comments and enjoy the blog!
PS - Almost forgot...The above image was taking in Poznań, Poland in June of this year. I was waiting for the crowds to clear in an attempt to photograph the brightly colored buildings leading to the church (a very long wait on a busy Sunday in the plaza), when a mother placed her child on the street to pose for her camera. After a few minutes of horsing around the child held perfectly still (she pleaded I suppose) for this brief instance. I was able to grab this quick image, before returning to shooting the church. Also of note, the blurry spot in the sky is a bird.
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